By Davis Kirby
May 9, 2023
When was the last time you got really excited to get an e-blast? For Paveway Express, it was today May 9, 2023 around 1 p.m. That is when we got an alert from GSA Business that had a feature on the success of Paveway Express in the past few years. From the article: "Paveway employs 43 people while running freight for BMW, Mercedes rental vans, several other companies that are related to BMW such as window suppliers, plastics, Volvo, Volkswagen and Ocean X, said Jenkins. “When I first started I had no idea or understanding of logistics and how everything worked with BMW and supply chain,” he said. “But once I realized, we took advantage of that, and a majority of the business is automotive supplier-related now.'" Thank you to everyone who has been part of this amazing and incredible journey with us.